Aeternum in Asia

Aeternum’s presence in Asia

With more than 60% of the global population living in Asia, many of those in rapidly developing economies, we have chosen our base to be in Hong Kong, which is strategically centred in the middle of that developing environment.

From Hong Kong, you can easily reach China, India, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Mongolia, Philippines and Singapore, which are all countries that are rapidly coming to a wealth level, or already have established such, that rivals the western economies. On the path to achieving such, foreign direct investment (FDI) is key for each of those countries’ growth on that path, and we assist many clients through our network on government and on corporate level to participate and contribute to this growth, and create a long term benefit by doing so, for themselves and the region.

Soo Hyun KIM Billy

Vice President & General Manager

Mr. Billy is our Vice President & General Manager, having spent 35 years as a key person with the Top tier Korean Construction company, joins us with his great experience, focusing his action mainly in Asia and becoming an essential resource for the development of corporate activities in the Middle East and Fareast.

South Corea

South Korea has been an emerging power in Industrial Development, micro-electronics, design, research and development more and more over the years. Consumer electronic business has been booming for the past 20 years, and this is because Korean’s are now in balance with the global consumer demand.

As such, the economy is ready for a further round of investment, as much money has been earned, large reserves have been build and knowledge levels across the board have increased.
The South Korea government is actively playing a role in keeping up their R&D development sector, and stay ahead on many global fronts of investment, design and development. They path that South Korea is on offers opportunities for many investors, in sectors not limited to Real Estate, finance and private Public Partnerships. We are actively present in South Korea to represent our clients’ interests.


Singapore is the wealthiest country in South-East Asia, in per capita income, but it has developed far beyond that. The banking industry has emerged from the 2007/2008 global crisis as “the place to be” and the products offered by the banks are solid and safe.

Singapore has an impeccable safety track record, which makes it a very good place to work and live, or retire to. Public transportation as well as schools are on top-notch level and Singapore prides itself to keep developing into new unchartered territory, with a vision that has proven to be of exceptional value to the country, its citizens and its investors. We assist clients with wealth management programs based out of and or invested inside Singapore and or Asia, all tailor-made to the client’s needs and wishes.


Indonesia has been developing rapidly as the second largest democracy in the world, and the growth of the economy has been almost without interruption above 6% per annum for the past 10 years, and with the new president elected, we expect an ever better opportunity for FDI to find its way into Indonesia for long term strategic cooperation within the country.

The Indonesian economy has been consumer-growth driven, and as such it is very robust, not easily shaken by global crises, if or when they may occur. This demand now asks for a higher quality level of products, whether organic, electronic or industrial. The demands of the population are growing and this is a new force that is just setting off. We assist clients with background information and investment opportunities and utilize our vast network in the country to achieve the best available investment opportunities which suits our client best. Indonesia is now heading for another growth spurt in the coming years and you are invited to be part of it.

Contact us

We are ready to provide our expertise skills, contacts and network to match your management and project requirements. Please contact us for more information.